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ETHM Programs


End Time Harvest Ministries (ETHM) is a faith-based, school-based and community-based youth development nonprofit organization located in Bladensburg High School (BHS), Bladensburg, Maryland. ETHM’s Mission is to engage youth in Prince George’s County for Academic, Career, and Life Success.


ETHM’s Goals are to:

  1. Graduate students on time

  2. Prepare students for college, career, and workforce entry

  3. Equip students with leadership and character skills

  4. Promote student-led health and wellness advocacy

Through ETHM’s holistic approach to education, ETHM annually boast a 99% graduation rate of Bladensburg High School’s (BHS) students who participate in ETHM’s year round programs that help student achieve their academic, career, and workforce goals. ETHM’s programs impact students’ literacyin subject areas that include English, math, history, government, workforce development, health, nutrition education, science, and social studies.  Our programs are year round they are embedded in the school’s curriculum.​​


End Time Harvest Ministries (ETHM) propagates systems change through our strategy of breaking down barriers that prevent illiteracy, equal access to education, health disparities, access to economic wealth, poverty, unemployment, and preventing students from entering the pipeline from high school to prison. There is a great need for our programs that bridge the gaps of education, health, safety, poverty, and morality through our highly successful programs. These prevention programs help youth to overcome underachieving academically for life success; unemployment or under-employment; and lack of exposure to quality and affordable after-school programs and services. Through ETHM programs, the organization annually saves the county $210,261.  It cost $588 per day x 365 days=$214,620 to house an incarcerated youth per year vs. ETHM’s $4,359 tuition for the annual cost for a student-participant in ETHM’s Pathways to Career Success Programs.


ETHM Program Areas

Our Mission

Pathways to Career Success (PTCS)

Pathways to Career Success (PTCS) is ETHM’s premier college and workforce readiness program that boasts an annual 99% graduation rate. The PTCS program is embedded in BHS’ school day and in the school’s health sciences curriculum. This Program includes its school-based Wellness Ambassadors Leadership (peer education) Program. Students graduate on time college, career, and workforce ready due to ETHM’s robust academic intervention & monitoring at each grade level; character and leadership development; and college and workforce readiness curricula. 


The curriculum focus of each grade level is as follows:

  • 9th grade Health and Wellness

  • 10th grade Leadership and Character Development

  • 11th grade College and Workforce Readiness

  • 12th grade Graduation Readiness


Port Towns Youth Council (PTYC)

Port Towns Youth Council (PTYC) is ETHM’s Leadership and Character development program.  Youth are known as Wellness Ambassadors who lead their peers and other Prince George’s County (PGC) residents to make healthy lifestyle choices.  These youth advocate for social justice issues, which help shape public policies that positively impact the lives of youth and families.


Their mission is to bridge the gap of education, health, poverty, safety, and morality to Build, Sustain, Unite, Heal, and Impact communities.  PTYC is youth-led and students attend monthly after school meetings (with their parents) to develop their leadership skills and to plan for community outreach activities/events.  Serving residents and stewarding communities have a direct impact on students’ character by serving various PGC residents. 

Our Mission

Wellness Ambassadors Leadership Program (WALP)

Wellness Ambassadors Leadership Program (WALP) is a peer education program where students learn and teach others how to make healthy lifestyle choices.  Wellness Ambassadors are stakeholders in Port Towns and Prince George’s County (PGC) communities who partner with community residents and help lead Healthy Eating Active Living (HEAL) and other environmental health initiatives such as connecting storm water management to health. 


Jobs For Youth (JFY) Summer Employment Program

Jobs For Youth (JFY) Summer Employment Program is ETHM’s workforce readiness program that provides summer internships for qualified students primarily at Bladensburg High School who participate in ETHM’s PTCS and PTYC programs.  Partner businesses mentor and expose interns to experiential learning opportunities in jobs that match their interests. 


This 6-week program begins with a Jobs Skills Workshop that equips students with employability life skills such as interviewing techniques, work telephone etiquette, resume writing, and grooming and proper work attire.  During this unique JFY Summer Employment Program, students learn how to think critically and how to effectively plan, communicate, make decisions, and solve problems.

View our 2021 JFYSEP Report

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Our Partners & Stakeholders

Partners are important to ETHM operations and program implementation. Business partners mentor summer interns through job placements that enable students to make informed career choices. Parents partner with their children in community activities and serves as activity chaperones.

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